Supporting Gender Diverse Autistic Youth and Adults

This presentation aims to recognize and broaden understanding of the unique experience of gender diverse autistic young people. It will review existing research and relevant literature to broaden understanding of gender diversity in the context of autism. Parents and caregivers will come away from this presentation with greater sensitivity and confidence to support the unique challenges that gender diverse autistic young people face.

Family Care

Family Care is a program in which individuals, including children with developmental disabilities are placed with families in homes in the community. Heads of households are recruited, trained and certified by the office of the New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) to provide housing and care for individuals with disabilities. The Family Care Program also provides these individuals with on going service coordination and ensures that the homes meet all New York State safety and regulatory mandates.

Identifying and Treating ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression in Individuals with Autism / Identificando y Tratando TDAH, la Ansiedad y Depresión en Individuos con Autismo

70% of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a co-occurring psychiatric diagnosis. In this talk, we will discuss three common co-morbid conditions: anxiety, depression, and ADHD. We will review how to identify potential symptoms, treatment approaches, and strategies for caregivers and care providers.

Sinergia: We're Here for YOU!

Family Support Programs have been created with the sole purpose of assisting the family during this journey. This presentation will provide an overview of the services of the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), the eligibility process, and the supporting role of the case managers.

Grupo de Apoyo en Persona de Madres y Padres, en Español!

La “Iniciativa del Autismo” les Invita al grupo de apoyo de Madres y Padres, En Español!
Durante las próximas sesiones que termina en el mes de junio 2024, la psicóloga Johanna Santana, con Masters in Salud Mental trabajara con ustedes guiándoles a facilitar discusiones abiertas, reflexiones e información sobre una variedad de temas relacionados con nuestra vida emocional y habilidades de crianza.
¡Esperamos pueda asistir consistentemente a nuestro grupo para que obtengan el máximo beneficio de esta reunión!

Grupo de Apoyo en Persona de Madres y Padres, en Español!

La “Iniciativa del Autismo” les Invita al grupo de apoyo de Madres y Padres, En Español!
Durante las próximas sesiones que termina en el mes de junio 2024, la psicóloga Johanna Santana, con Masters in Salud Mental trabajara con ustedes guiándoles a facilitar discusiones abiertas, reflexiones e información sobre una variedad de temas relacionados con nuestra vida emocional y habilidades de crianza.
¡Esperamos pueda asistir consistentemente a nuestro grupo para que obtengan el máximo beneficio de esta reunión!