The word sinergia means “synergy” in Spanish. Sinergia is the enhanced energy of two forces combined. This refers to what families and individuals can achieve when they work with advocates who support their goals and respect their cultures.

Grupo de apoyo en persona de madres y padres en espanol!

La “Iniciativa del Autismo” les Invita al grupo de apoyo en persona de Madres y Padres, En Español!
Conéctese para compartir experiencias y conocimiento sobre nuestros hijos(as) durante este tiempo de distanciamiento social.
Durante las próximas sesiones que termina en el mes de junio, la consejera familiar Johanna Santana trabajara con ustedes guiándoles a facilitar discusiones abiertas, reflexiones e información sobre una variedad de temas relacionados con nuestra vida emocional y sus diferentes capas.

Future Planning

Future Planning
Looking at what the future holds for a person with a disability may require thoughtful pre-planning. 
New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI) provides essential tools to successfully understand 1) the special needs trust / supplemental needs trust, 2) a healthcare proxy, 3) a letter of intent, 4) a power of attorney, 5) supported decision-making and / or guardianship, and much, much more!  

Parent's Center

The Metropolitan Parent Center offers training presented on a variety of topics related to special education, ranging from one-time workshops on topics of current interest to an intensive advocacy series designed to develop the knowledge and skills of parents to advocate for their own children and assist other parents.  Training sessions are detailed in our online calendar, and offered year-round at Sinergia or at host organizations. MPC also provides one-to-one assistance and advocacy to help parents resolve special education issues.

Happy International Women's Day

Today, we honor the courage and achievements of women across the globe and acknowledge the work that still needs to be done to achieve gender equality. At Sinergia Inc., we remain committed to creating a supportive and inclusive workplace that values and promotes the advancement of women. We want to take this opportunity to celebrate the women who have chosen to challenge themselves and those around them to create positive change in the world. We are grateful for the contributions and impact that our female staff members have made toward our mission and values.