The Autism Initiative Project is funded by a grant from the New York City Council under its Autism Initiative. This project supplements the work of Sinergia’s Metropolitan Parent Center by bringing increased awareness to New York City residents, particularly to the communities with large Spanish speaking populations, about the growing population of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Its strong outreach component, which includes strategic alliances with different community and medical organizations in the city, targets families of children with a suspected or known diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who are not receiving appropriate educational, health, and other related services. The initiative will link them to other services and supports that meet individual needs of children and families.
La Iniciativa del Autismo es un proyecto que recibe una subvención de Iniciativa del Autismo del Concejo de la Cuidad de Nueva York. Este proyecto complementa el trabajo del Centro Metropolitano de Padres (MPC por sus siglas en inglés) de Sinergia. Este proyecto brinda conocimiento a los residentes de la Cuidad de Nueva York, particularmente a las comunidades que hablan español, sobre el incremento de diagnóstico del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) en niños y jóvenes. El programa llega a las familias neoyorquinas gracias a las alianzas estratégicas que ha desarrollado con diferentes organizaciones comunitarias y médicas en la ciudad, lo que ha permitido que familias que sospechan que su hijo(a) pueda estar en el espectro del autismo o que ya han recibido el diagnóstico y que no estén recibiendo servicios apropiados educacionales, de salud y otros servicios relacionados, contacten con Sinergia. La iniciativa les ayudará a conectar con otros servicios y agencias que satisfagan las necesidades del individuo y sus familias
The Autism Initiative Project is offering the following free programs for participant families, who meet eligibility criteria:
Virtual Afterschool Art Program, Friends are We! Building Social Skills through the Arts
This interactive after-school program will offer children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), from ages 3 up to 13 years old, with social skills development through the arts. The program involves the participation of students’ parents to learn skills taught and then to reinforce them at home and in their communities. Students will explore various visual art forms in an interactive small group setting.
Materials will be provided. Please contact the intake line at 212-643-2840 Ext. 602 Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm to request an application. You can send an email to autisminitiative@sinergiany.org if you have any question or would like to learn more about program eligibility. Space is limited.
¡Programa Virtual Después de la Escuela, Somos Amigos! Desarrollando Destrezas Sociales a Través de las Artes!
Este programa interactivo, ofrecerá a los niños con diagnosticados con Trastornos del Espectro Autista (ASD) -de edades comprendidas entre los 3 y 13 años de edad- la oportunidad de desarrollar habilidades sociales a través de las artes. El programa incluye la participación de los padres quienes aprenderán habilidades que podrán practicar en el hogar y en sus comunidades. Los estudiantes explorarán diferentes formas de arte visual en un entorno pequeño.
Por favor llamar al 212-643-2840 Ext. 602 o envíe un correo electrónico a la direcciónautisminitiative@sinergiany.org para solicitar una aplicacion.
Integrated Transition Program:
The program will focus on the development of independent life skills, including self-advocacy, independent living, communication skills, and strategies for developing positive relationships. This hybrid program will meet on certain Tuesday evenings and include a variety of community-based outings, during which participants will put a previously learned skill into action. Parents are invited to participate in support group, as well as community outings where they will with the participants in the skill learned that day.
At this time, the program is designed for young adults that meet the following criteria (and who are not eligible for OPWDD services or OPWDD HCBS waiver programs, or who have the eligibility but are not receiving similar services):
Teen should:
Be between the ages of 14—21
Be able to communicate in English
Attend the group sessions, virtual and Saturday community outings
Be able to be in group setting with a facilitator support
Parent should:
Attend in person Saturday community activities
Provide IEP / evaluation to corroborate diagnosis
Be able to speak either English or Spanish
Complete an application, including parental areas of needs & information
Se proveerá servicio de interpretación para padres que lo necesite
Program eligibility is determined by a virtual interview and screening process, where parents and prospective participant attend.
Accepted families will receive ongoing case management services in English and / or Spanish, during the duration of the program.
Contact our intake line 212 643 2840 ext. 602 at any time between 9:00 am to 4:00 pm to register for this program. For more information and to request an application, please send an email to autisminitiative@sinergiany.org.
This year we will continue meeting weekly via Zoom and we will have some community activities in person on selected Saturdays.
Program eligibility is determined by a virtual interview and screening process.