Medicaid Corporate Compliance Policy and Program

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Sinergia prides itself on its reputation for honesty and integrity. We are proud of the high quality of the services we provide to our consumers and their families. As part of Sinergia's ongoing commitment to embody and promote the highest ethical standards, we have established a Corporate Compliance Program. This program furthers Sinergia's mission of providing the highest quality of services to person’s served and their families. It promotes adherence to laws, regulations, and Sinergia’s internal policies. Sinergia’s commitment to preventing fraud, waste, and abuse in our delivery of services is instituted by the adoption of this Corporate Compliance Program and Policy.

The laws that prohibit the submission of false claims impose an affirmative obligation on Sinergia and its employees, agent and contractors to know and to understand the rules and regulations regarding the submission of claims. Sinergia makes it a part of the duty of all employees to support its commitment to accurate billing by reporting any potential misconduct directly to their supervisor or to the Medicaid compliance officer. Violations can subject Sinergia to significant fines and penalties.

Federal law prohibits Sinergia from discriminating, retaliating or penalizing in any way persons that report concerns and our anonymous Reporting Form allows for confidential reporting. Any person who believes that Sinergia has not responded appropriately to his or her reports of potential problems is permitted, under federal statute to notify the federal government. As a matter of statute as well as its own internal policy, Sinergia is prohibited from taking any adverse action against persons who notify the federal government of potential violations.

The purpose of Sinergia’s policy and program directive is to maintain the integrity of Medicaid programs by both preventing and detecting fraudulent, abusive, and wasteful practices and ensuring that Sinergia’s Medicaid Corporate Compliance Program complies with federal and state laws, rules, and regulations.

Thank you for reviewing this Policy carefully. If you have any questions about this Policy please contact Sinergia’s  Medicaid Corporate compliance officer.